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Welcome to the race that gives you what no other race can…an extra hour of sleep!  Sure, you get a runner’s bib, and you get a t-shirt.  But it’s that extra hour of sleep, courtesy of Daylight Savings Time, that really sets us apart.  So let this running tribute to Daylight Savings Time begin!


A virtual 5K means that you choose to do your 5K by your rules.  You can run, walk, hike, crawl, dance, stroll, or any combination thereof—whatever it takes to cover a distance of 3.1 (5K) miles.  You can choose your day, your time, your venue. You can run it all at once or in chunks.  Just be sure to record your total time and distance, and add them up to report a single, total running time. You can choose to participate outdoors or even indoors on your treadmill. You can run in Nashville or anywhere in the world. Run it on your own, or gather a group and run it for real. You are your own boss for this race!  If you prefer to run with a group you can join us in either Nashville or Memphis for a fun run!


For the entry fee, all participants will receive a virtual runner’s bib that you can print and wear while running (or just paste in your scrapbook), a stylish t-shirt that pairs well with runner’s gear or jeans, that amazing, extra hour of sleep, and the knowledge that you just did something great for yourself and the Deaf and hard of hearing communities!


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